Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another Review for my book

When my friend Diana Tamblyn, cartoonist and illustrator, was helping me with getting my Blog into better form, she found this review of my book so I am adding the url for the LGBT Book and Video Blog - Look it up at

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Post Prime Time Blogger

I have no idea where that came from as a title but I want to clarify that it will take me awhile to get this blog up and running. My younger friends, having been raised in the computer age do all this so easily. Initiating this blog today, while actually committing myself to writing at this very moment, makes me almost nauseated. Then again I am a "worrier". That probably comes from a lifetime of depression which I have obviously somehow overidden because for the most part it would appear that I have had a long and successful career. This I can see if I stand back and look at it objectively. I will get my CV etc. on this blog to back this up. Now in my early sixties I am in the hands of the fates, waiting to see what the Universe is going to send my way but like I say to and about my partner Gerald who is a Boar in Chinese astrology, I am going " where my pig is headed." D.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Aced Magazine Review

For those interested, here is my first review. I thought the initial comment/sentence about "those of you feeling special"is somewhat ambiguous but I sure appreciated the boost to my ego seeing my very first book review. The review touched positively on elements I had hoped might be appreciated. Thank you Geoff Isaac. D.